Health & Safety

Our HSE performance is of the utmost importance and our policies and procedures are quite rightly subject to regular review and audits. Serica will provide all necessary resources to support our policy commitments and help drive a strong safety culture.
Serica is committed to continuous improvement of our HSE performance, providing a safe working environment for our valued staff
With the support of our partners, Serica's goal is to uphold and continuously improve the health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance exemplified at Bruce, Keith & Rhum and to extend this approach working with the operator on our Triton area assets and subsea tie-backs.
Serica has created an approved Safety Case for its operatorship of the assets.
The Safety Case is a standard document produced by the operator of a facility which:
- identifies hazards and risks;
- describes how the risks are controlled;
- describes the safety management system in place to ensure the controls are effectively and consistently applied.
Serica’s HSE Policy
Serica’s Operations Management System (OMS) provides an integrated and systematic approach to Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality management and demonstrates how we:
- comply with all applicable legislation, industry standards and good practice;
- promote a positive HSEQ culture through visible leadership commitment, personal accountability, communication and engagement with key stakeholders;
- understand our risk profiles and apply a risk management process that reduces this risk to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP);
- ensure that HSEQ remains integral to the planning, design , construction, operation, maintenance and disposal of our assets;
- promote environmental sustainability and the reduction of our Carbon footprint;
- provide staff with suitable information, instruction and training relevant to their duties and responsibilities;
- maintain emergency response plans and the organisational capability to respond effectively to incidents and emergencies;
- continually improve our HSEQ performance by defining performance objectives, monitoring and measuring results, and completing a programme of audit and assurance activities.
Serica expects everyone involved in our activities to take responsibility and be accountable for compliance with this policy, our OMS, current legislation and all applicable regulatory requirements. The Chief Executive Officer, supported by the Board of Directors, is accountable for the HSEQ performance of the Company and will ensure that sufficient resources are in place to implement this policy.