News Archive
General Meeting ("GM") Results
18 December 2017
London, 18 December 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) is pleased to announce that at the GM held earlier today, shareholders approved by a show of hands the resolution approving the proposed acquisition of the BKR Assets.
Forties Pipeline shutdown
12 December 2017
London, 12 December 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) has been informed by the operator of the Erskine field that the Forties Pipeline System ("FPS"), the export route for Erskine condensate, will be unavailable, potentially for some weeks, while the FPS owner plans and implements repairs to a hairline crack in the onshore section of the pipeline.
Admission Document and Notice of General Meeting
30 November 2017
London, 30 November, 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) ("Serica" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that further to the announcement of 21 November 2017 regarding the proposed acquisition of BP's interests in the Bruce, Keith and Rhum fields in the North Sea and associated infrastructure, an Admission Document in relation to the Acquisition and Notice of General Meeting to approve the Acquisition will be posted to shareholders today and is available to download from the Company's website
Holdings in Company
23 November 2017
Acquisition of BP interests in the Bruce, Keith and Rhum fields in the North Sea
21 November 2017
London, 21 November, 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) ("Serica" or "the Company") is pleased to report that Serica UK, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement to acquire BP's interests in the Bruce, Keith and Rhum fields in the North Sea and associated infrastructure (the "Acquisition").
Interim Results
28 September 2017
London, 28 September 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces its interim financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2017. The results are summarised below and copies are available at and
Erskine field operations update
25 September 2017
London, 25 September 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) is pleased to report that production at the Erskine field recommenced at the end of last week and the field has produced continuously over the weekend. A further update will be provided in the Company's Interim Results which are expected to be published on Thursday 28 September 2017.
Erskine field operations update
15 September 2017
London, 15 September 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides an update on Erskine production operations.
Erskine field operations update
29 August 2017
London, 29 August 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides an update to production operations on the Erskine field.
Notification of major holdings
31 July 2017
Results of 2017 Annual General Meeting
29 June 2017
London, 29 June 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) is pleased to announce that all resolutions set out in the Chairman's Letter dated 24 May were duly passed.
2017 Annual General Meeting
29 June 2017
London, 29 June 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that the 2017 Annual General Meeting of shareholders is being held today at 11:00am at Durrants Hotel, 26-32 George Street, London W1H 5BJ, United Kingdom.
2017 Annual General Meeting
30 May 2017
London, 30 May 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that the 2017 Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on 29 June 2017 at 11:00am at Durrants Hotel, 26-32 George Street, London W1H 5BJ, United Kingdom.
Results for the year ended 31 December 2016
06 April 2017
London, 6 April 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2016.
Operations Update
10 January 2017
London, 10 January 2017 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ), an independent oil and gas company with production, development and exploration licence interests in the UK North Sea and exploration interests in Ireland, Morocco and Namibia, is pleased to provide a year-end operations update as follows.
Director/PDMR Shareholding
03 November 2016
London, 3 November 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides the following regulatory release:
Interim Results
30 September 2016
London, 30 September 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces its interim financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2016. The results are summarised below and copies are available at and
Notification of Major Interest in Shares
26 September 2016
Erskine Operational Update
06 September 2016
London, 6 September 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides the following operations update.
Notification of Major Interest in Shares
25 August 2016
Erskine Operational Update
23 August 2016
London, 23 August 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides the following operations update.
Recommencement of Production from Erskine
29 July 2016
London, 29 July 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides the following operations update.
Annual General Meeting ("AGM") Results
23 June 2016
London, 23 June 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that all of the resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 1 June 2016 were duly passed on a show of hands at the AGM held today.
Results for the year ended 31 December 2015
19 April 2016
London, 19 April 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2015.
Erskine Operations Update
17 March 2016
London, 17 March 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) provides the following operations update.
Transfer of share interests by Director
29 January 2016
London, 29 January 2016 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that Mr Neil Pike, a non-executive director of the Company, notified the Company that today he transferred 130,000 ordinary shares of US$0.10 each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") to his ISA, and his wife also transferred 190,000 Ordinary Shares to her ISA.
Operations Update
14 December 2015
London, 14 December 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ), an independent oil and gas company with production, development and exploration licence interests in the UK North Sea and exploration licence interests in Ireland, Morocco and Namibia, is pleased to provide an operations update
Acquisition of interest in Columbus field extension
27 October 2015
London, 27 October 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) is pleased to announce that agreement has been reached with BG International Limited (‘BG') and SSE E&P UK Limited (‘SSE') for BG and SSE to transfer their equity in that part of Block 23/21a which contains an extension to the Columbus field (the ‘Block 23/21a Columbus Subarea') to the Block 23/16f participants, Serica Energy (UK) Limited, Endeavour Energy UK Limited and EOG Resources United Kingdom Limited (the ‘Columbus Participants'), for a nominal sum.
Interim Results
30 September 2015
London, 30 September 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces its interim financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2015. The results are summarised below and copies are available at and
Notification of Major Interest in Shares
27 July 2015
Notification of Major Interest in Shares
27 July 2015
Option Awards
20 July 2015
London, 17 July 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that, today, an option award over 2,500,000 ordinary shares was made under the Company's Share Option Plan 2005 (as amended) to Antony Craven Walker, the Company's Executive Chairman.
Analyst Presentation and Operational Update
16 July 2015
London, 16 July 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) will today hold a presentation for analysts at 10.30 BST at the offices of Peel Hunt, Moor House, 120 London Wall, London EC2Y 5ET.
Annual General Meeting ("AGM") Results
30 June 2015
London, 30 June 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that all of the resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 1 June 2015 were duly passed on a show of hands at the AGM held today.
Completion of Acquisition of 18% Interest in North Sea Erskine Field
05 June 2015
London, 5 June 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) is pleased to announce that the transaction to purchase an 18% interest in the producing North Sea Erskine Field from BP was completed on 4 June 2015.
2015 Annual General Meeting
05 June 2015
London, 05 June 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that the 2015 Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on Tuesday 30 June 2015 at 11am at Durrants Hotel, 26-32 George Street, London W1H 5BJ, United Kingdom.
Results for the year ended 31 December 2014
01 June 2015
London, 1 June 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2014.
Board Change
29 May 2015
London, 29 May 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that Mitch Flegg, COO, has been offered the job of Chief Executive Officer with another AIM listed independent and will be leaving the Board with immediate effect to take up his new position.
Board Change
06 May 2015
London, 6 May 2015 - Serica Energy plc (AIM: SQZ) announces that Chris Hearne has notified the Company of his intention to stand down as Chief Financial Officer of Serica in order to take up a senior position in another listed oil and gas company.
Serica to Voluntarily Delist from Toronto Stock Exchange
17 March 2015
London, 17 March, 2015. Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announced today that it has applied for voluntary delisting of its ordinary shares from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX").
Share Incentive Plan and share purchase by Directors
14 November 2014
Drilling and testing concludes in Sidi Moussa Licence, offshore Morocco
13 November 2014
London, 13 November 2014 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) confirms that testing operations have now concluded on the SM-1 well (Serica 5% working interest) on the Sidi Moussa Licence, offshore Morocco. The well was drilled to a total depth of 2,825 metres sub-sea and encountered oil in fractured and brecciated cavernous Upper Jurassic carbonates.
Serica provides update on Sidi Moussa Operations
20 October 2014
London, 20 October 2014 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) confirms that the SM-1 well in the Sidi Moussa block offshore Morocco has reached a total depth of 2,825mMDBRT (measured depth below rotary table) and encountered oil during drilling operations.
Share purchase by Directors
15 October 2014
Serica Energy plc (TSX:SQZ; AIM:SQZ} announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of and allocated Serica shares under the terms of the plan...
Share purchase by Directors
16 September 2014
London, 16 September 2014 - Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of and allocated Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 6,204 shares on 15 September 2014.
Interim Results 2014
12 August 2014
Serica completes farm out to Centrica of Blocks 113/26b and 113/27c UK East Irish Sea
05 August 2014
London, 5 August 2014 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) is pleased to confirm it has now completed the farm out of UK East Irish Sea Blocks 113/26b and 113/27c (Licence P.1482) with Centrica through its subsidiary Hydrocarbon Resources Limited ("HRL").
Drilling commences in Sidi Moussa licence, offshore Morocco
31 July 2014
London, 31 July 2014 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) is pleased to confirm the commencement of drilling of the SM-1 well in Morocco.
Share purchase by Directors
15 July 2014
Annual General Meeting Results 2014
26 June 2014
London, 26 June 2014 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that all of the resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 30 May 2014 were duly passed on a show of hands at the AGM held today.
Acquisition of Interest in Erskine Field from BP
17 June 2014
London, 17 June 2014 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that it has agreed to acquire an 18% interest in UK blocks 23/26a (Area B) and 23/26b (Area B) containing the Erskine Field, located in the UK Central North Sea, from BP Exploration Operating Company Limited and Britoil Limited both wholly owned subsidiaries of BP plc (together "BP") for US$11.1 million in cash plus 27 million new Ordinary Shares in the Company subject to certain working capital adjustments on completion.
Share purchase by Directors
13 June 2014
London, 13 June 2014 - Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan”) have made purchases of and allocated Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 8,178 shares on 13 June 2014.
Annual General Meeting 2014
03 June 2014
London, 03 June 2014 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of shareholders ("AGM") will be held on Thursday 26 June 2014 at 10am (British Summer Time)
Share purchase by Directors
14 May 2014
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
08 May 2014
Share purchase by Directors
22 April 2014
2013 Annual Report to Shareholders
10 April 2014
London, 10 April 2014 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2013. The results are included below and copies are available at and
Share purchase by Directors
14 March 2014
Share purchase by Directors
14 February 2014
Option Awards
03 February 2014
London, 3 February 2014 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces that, on Thursday 30 January 2014, an option award over 600,000 ordinary shares was made under the Company's Share Option Plan 2005 (as amended) to each of the following directors:
Share purchase by Directors
14 January 2014
Update on Operations in Morocco
20 December 2013
London, 20 December 2013 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces that Cairn Energy, the operator of the Foum Draa licence offshore Morocco, has reported today that well FD-1 has reached a Total Depth of 5,255m MDBRT (measured depth below rotary table).
Update on Operations in Namibia
20 December 2013
London, 20 December 2013 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces that, following a portfolio review, BP has decided not to exercise an option to increase its interest in Luderitz Basin licence 0047, offshore Namibia.
Share purchase by Directors
16 December 2013
UK 27th Licensing Round Award
02 December 2013
London, 2 December 2013 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) is pleased to announce that it has been offered a Traditional Licence in the latest stage of the 27th Offshore Licensing Round, announced by the Department of Energy and Climate Change on Friday 29 November.
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
22 November 2013
Share purchase by Directors
15 November 2013
Admission of New Ordinary Shares and Directors’ Dealings
15 November 2013
Further to the Company’s announcement on 11 November 2013 in relation to the issue of 67,408,729 New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Capital Raising, the Company announces that the New Ordinary Shares have been admitted to trading on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange plc and that dealings commenced at 8.00 a.m. (London time) today. The New Ordinary Shares are expected to be listed on the TSX at 9.30 a.m. (Toronto time) today.
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
14 November 2013
Result of General Meeting
11 November 2013
Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the UK-based oil and gas company with exploration interests in the emerging Atlantic margins offshore Ireland, Morocco and Namibia and exploration and development assets in the UK and Norway, is pleased to announce that at its General Meeting held earlier today, all of the resolutions as set out in the Circular dated 22 October 2013 were duly passed.
Result of Open Offer
11 November 2013
On 22 October 2013, the Board of Serica Energy plc announced details of a Placing to raise approximately £10.2m (approximately US$16.6 million) through the issue of 56,870,934 New Ordinary Shares and an Open Offer to raise up to approximately £4.1 million (approximately US$6.7 million) through the issue of up to 22,846,288 New Ordinary Shares, both at an Issue Price of 18 pence per New Ordinary Share.
Drilling commences in Foum Draa licence
28 October 2013
London, 28 October 2013 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) is pleased to confirm the start of drilling operations in the Foum Draa licence, offshore Morocco.
Share purchase by Directors
15 October 2013
Appointment of Nominated Adviser
26 September 2013
London, 26 September 2013 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) is pleased to announce the appointment of Peel Hunt LLP as Nominated Adviser to the Company with immediate effect.
Interim Results
17 September 2013
London, 17 September 2013 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in the UK, Norway and the Atlantic margins off Africa and Ireland, today announces its financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2013.
Share purchase by Directors
16 September 2013
Share purchase by Directors
16 August 2013
Share purchase by Directors
16 July 2013
Annual General Meeting ("AGM") Results 2013
27 June 2013
London, 27 June 2013 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that all of the resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 30 May 2013 were duly passed on a show of hands at the AGM held today.
Centrica to farm-in to Serica's blocks 113/26b and 27c, UK East Irish Sea
27 June 2013
London, 27 June 2013 – Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that it has reached agreement with Centrica through its subsidiary Hydrocarbon Resources Limited (“HRL”) for the farm-out of UK East Irish Sea Blocks 113/26b and 27c (Licence P.1482), in which Serica presently holds a 65% interest.
Share purchase by Directors
24 June 2013
Annual General Meeting 2013
06 June 2013
2012 Annual Report to Shareholders
30 May 2013
London, 30 May 2013 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in the UK, Norway and the Atlantic margins off Africa and Ireland, today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2012. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at and
Share purchase by Directors
17 April 2013
Serica reviews alternative export route for Columbus production
28 March 2013
BG has informed Serica, as Operator of the Columbus Field, that it has decided not to proceed with the construction of a Bridge Linked Platform (“BLP”) adjacent to the BG operated Lomond field. The BLP was to be part of the export route for gas and gas condensate from the Columbus Field.
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
22 March 2013
Share purchase by Directors
18 March 2013
Serica commences tender process for Columbus Field development project
06 March 2013
London, 6 March 2013 – Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces the issue of tender documents for development of the North Sea Columbus Field.
Share purchase by Directors
15 February 2013
Operations Update and Forward Programme
21 January 2013
London, 21 January 2013 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) provides an operations update and announces its forward programme for 2013.
Share purchase by Directors
15 January 2013
Director Appointment
20 December 2012
London, 20 December 2012 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) is pleased to announce that Jeffrey Harris is joining the Board of Serica as a non-executive director with effect from 20 December, 2012.
Share purchase by Directors
17 December 2012
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
12 December 2012
Share purchase by Directors
14 November 2012
Q3 2012 Results
14 November 2012
London, 14 November 2012 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces its financial results for the three and nine months ending 30 September 2012. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at and
Results of Spaniards East Well
06 November 2012
London, 6 November 2012 – Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that well 15/21a-60, drilled to appraise a possible easterly extension of the Spaniards discovery in Block 15/21a, has reached a total depth of 10,694 feet and is being plugged and abandoned.
Allotment of shares
02 November 2012
London, 2 November 2012 – Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that 6 million new ordinary shares of Serica have today been allotted to National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Pty) Limited (“NAMCOR”).
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
30 October 2012
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
30 October 2012
Share purchase by Directors
18 October 2012
Option Awards
09 October 2012
London, 9 October 2012 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces that on Monday 8 October 2012, an option award over 400,000 shares was made under the Company's Share Option Plan 2005 (as amended) to each of the following directors:
JX Nippon to farm-in to Serica's Block 22/19c, UK CNS
18 September 2012
London, 18 September 2012 – Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that it has reached agreement with JX Nippon Exploration and Production (U.K.) Limited (“JX Nippon”) for the farm-out of UK Central North Sea Block 22/19c (Licence P.1620), in which Serica presently holds a 100% interest. The agreement is subject to UK government approval.
Share purchase by Directors
17 September 2012
Mitch Flegg appointed to Board of Serica
05 September 2012
London, 5th September 2012 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) is pleased to announce that Mitchell Robert Flegg (52) , Serica’s Chief Operating Officer, has been made an Executive Director of the Company with effect from today, 5th September 2012.
Cairn Energy to farm-in to Serica's Foum Draa Block, offshore Morocco
28 August 2012
London, 28th August 2012 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that, subject to the consent of the Moroccan Authorities, Cairn through its subsidiary Capricorn Exploration and Development Company Limited (“Capricorn”) will be joining Serica’s wholly owned subsidiary Serica Foum Draa B.V. (“Serica”) and its partners, San Leon Offshore Morocco B.V. and Longreach Oil and Gas Ventures Limited (respectively “San Leon” and “Longreach”), in the exploration of the set of permits which comprise the Foum Draa Offshore area (“Foum Draa”) in Morocco.
Genel Energy to farm-in to Serica's Sidi Moussa Block, offshore Morocco
23 August 2012
London, 23rd August 2012 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that, subject to the consent of the Moroccan Authorities, Genel Energy plc (“Genel”) will be joining Serica’s wholly owned subsidiary Serica Sidi Moussa B.V. (“Serica”) and its partners, San Leon Offshore Morocco B.V. and Longreach Oil and Gas Ventures Limited (respectively “San Leon” and “Longreach”), in the exploration of the set of permits which comprise the Sidi Moussa Offshore area (“Sidi Moussa”) in Morocco.
Share purchase by Directors
14 August 2012
Q2 2012 Results
13 August 2012
Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces its financial results for the three and six months ending 30 June 2012. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at and
Share purchase by Directors
16 July 2012
TR-1 Notification of major interest in shares
20 June 2012
Namibian Seismic update
19 June 2012
London, 19 June 2012 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ), an independent oil and gas exploration and production company with major licence interests offshore West Africa and reserves and exploration assets in the North Sea and the Atlantic Margin off Ireland, gives an operational update on seismic operations off the coast of Namibia.
Share purchase by Directors
15 June 2012
Annual General Meeting
01 June 2012
Serica Energy plc (Serica or the Company) announces that the 2012 Annual General Meeting of shareholders (‘AGM’) will be held on Thursday 28 June 2012 at 10am (British Summer Time)
Share purchase by Directors
16 May 2012
Q1 2012 Results
11 May 2012
Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the oil and gas exploration and production company, today announces its financial results for the three months ended 31 March 2012. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at
Share purchase by Directors
18 April 2012
Allotment of shares
02 April 2012
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that 110,000 new Ordinary Shares of $0.10 each have been issued as a result of the exercise of share options held by option holders under the Serica Energy plc Option Plan 2005. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for these shares to be admitted for trading. Admission to AIM is expected on Wednesday 4th April 2012.
2011 Annual Report to Shareholders
30 March 2012
London, 30 March 2012 – Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the oil and gas exploration and production company, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2011. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at www.serica-energy.comand
Share purchase by Directors
15 March 2012
Serica awards 3D seismic contract in Luderitz Basin Blocks, offshore Namibia
15 March 2012
London, 15 March 2012 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) announces that, it has signed a contract with Polarcus Seismic Limited utilising the 10-streamer vessel Polarcus Nadia for an extensive 3D seismic acquisition survey in Serica’s Luderitz Basin Blocks 2512A, 2513A, 2513B and 2612A (part), located offshore Namibia.
Share purchase by Directors
14 February 2012
Notification of major shareholding
14 February 2012
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Company has been informed that, following the sale of 700,000 shares at 27.5p on 13th February 2012, Mr Paul Curtis holds less than 3% of the Company’s issued share capital and he is no longer considered to have a notifiable interest.
Share purchase by Directors
18 January 2012
Award of share options
13 January 2012
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that on Wednesday 11 January 2012, the following share option awards were made under the Company’s Share Option Plan 2005 as amended:
Notification of major shareholding
11 January 2012
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Company has been informed that, on 6th January 2012, Mr Paul Curtis has decreased his holding in the Company to 6,755,728 shares representing 3.82% of the issued share capital.
The Company has 176,660,311 shares issued and outstanding.
TR-1 Notification of major interest in shares
11 January 2012
Share Purchase by Directors
14 December 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan (“the Plan”) have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 4,164 shares on 13 December 2011, as follows:
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
01 December 2011
Share Purchase by Directors
14 November 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan (“the Plan”) have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 4,110 shares on 14 November 2011, as follows:
Award of Exploration Interests in Namibia
03 November 2011
Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) is pleased to confirm the announcement made yesterday by the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy at the 18th Africa Upstream Conference being held in Cape Town that Serica has been awarded an 85% interest in a Petroleum Agreement covering four large blocks and part blocks in the prospective Luderitz Basin, offshore Namibia.
Response to Market Speculation
02 November 2011
In light of recent market speculation Serica confirms that it is in advanced discussions about the award of significant licence areas in Namibia. Agreements are in the process of being finalised and a further announcement will be made in due course.
Share Purchase by Directors
17 October 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 4,170 shares on 13 October 2011, as follows:
Change of Name of Joint Broker
22 September 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Company's Joint Broker, which trades as RBC Capital Markets, has changed its registered name to RBC Europe Limited...
Share Purchase by Directors
15 September 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 3,654 shares on 13 September 2011, as follows:
Share Purchase by Directors
16 August 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 3,396 shares on 15 August 2011, as follows:
Share Purchase by Directors
18 July 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that two directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 315,763 shares on 15 July 2011, as follows:
Tony Craven Walker (Chief Executive Officer and Chairman) acquired 265,763 ordinary shares at a price of 25.956 pence per share through his pension fund taking his total beneficial shareholding to 5,970,236 shares representing 3.4% of the voting rights...
Share Purchase by Directors
11 July 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,856 shares on 13 July 2011, as follows:
Directors Dealings
11 July 2011
Serica Energy Plc (the Company) (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that on 11 July 2011, Luska Limited, an investment company owned by Neil Pike (Non-Executive Director) and members of his immediate family, transferred 100,000 shares to Neil Pike and 100,000 shares to Romayne Pike (Mr Pike's spouse) at a price of 26.5 pence per share.
Notice to Shareholders in Canada
20 June 2011
Serica is required to deliver proxy materials to its registered shareholders and to intermediaries for delivery to those beneficial owners who have requested materials for annual meetings. On May 31, 2011, Serica mailed all required materials in respect of the 2011 Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting Materials") scheduled to be held on June 30, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. (British Summer Time) at The Registry, Royal Mint Court, London EC3N 4QN, United Kingdom (the "Meeting") to its registered shareholders and to intermediaries for delivery to those beneficial owners who have requested materials for annual meetings...
Share Purchase by Directors
17 June 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,808 shares on 13 June 2011, as follows:
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2011
02 June 2011
Serica Energy plc (Serica or the Company) announces that the 2011 Annual General Meeting of shareholders ('AGM') will be held on Thursday 30 June 2011 at 10am (British Summer Time) at The Registry, Royal Mint Court, London, EC3N 4QN, United Kingdom. Management will give a presentation to shareholders at the AGM to update them on the Company's exploration prospects, drilling activities and forward business strategy. A copy of the presentation will be posted on the Company's website after the meeting for the benefit of those who are unable to attend.
Share Purchase by Directors
18 May 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 22,496 shares on 13 May 2011.
Q1 2011 Results
16 May 2011
London, 16 May 2011 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the oil and gas exploration and production company, today announces its financial results for the three months ending 31 March 2011. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies and available at and
Share Purchase by Directors
18 April 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan (“the Plan”) have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,244 shares on 13 April 2011.
Award of Share Options to Executive Directors
08 April 2011
London, 7 April 2011 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that on Tuesday 5 April 2011, the following share option award was made under the Company’s Share Option Plan 2005 as amended.
2010 Annual Report to Shareholders
31 March 2011
London, 31 March 2011 - Serica Energy plc (TSX & AIM: SQZ), the oil and gas exploration and production company, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2010. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at and
Share Purchase by Directors
15 March 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("The Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,826 shares on 14 March 2011.
Share Purchase by Directors
16 February 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan (“the Plan”) have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,763 shares on 14 February 2011.
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
14 February 2011
Serica Energy - Voting Rights and Capital
01 February 2011
Serica Energy plc ("Serica" or the "Company")
In conformity with the DTR 5.6.1 we would like to notify the market of the following:
As at 31st January 2011, Serica's issued share capital consists of 176,660,311 ordinary shares of 5 pence each admitted to trading comprised of 176,660,310 ordinary shares of $US0.10 and 1 'A' ordinary share of £50,000. Each ordinary share carries the right to one vote. No ordinary shares are held in Treasury.
The above figure 176,660,311 may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the Company under the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Allotment of Shares
20 January 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that 30,000 new Ordinary Shares of $0.10 each have been issued as a result of the exercise of share options held by an employee. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for these shares to be admitted for trading. Admission to AIM is expected on Friday 21st January 2011.
Share Purchase by Directors
18 January 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,745 shares on 13 January 2011.
Allotment of Shares
07 January 2011
Serica Energy plc (TSX: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that 60,000 new Ordinary Shares of $0.10 each have been issued as a result of the exercise of share options held by an employee. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for these shares to be admitted for trading. Admission to AIM is expected on Tuesday 11th January 2011.
Share Purchase by Directors
14 December 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan of behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,691 shares on 31 December 2010.
Marindan-1 Exploration Well, Kutai PSC, Indonesia
02 December 2010
London, 2 December 2010 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX: SQZ) provides an operational update regarding the Marindan-1 exploration well in the Kutai PSC, offshore Indonesia.
Share Purchase by Directors
16 November 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX and AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increases their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,547 shares on 15 November 2010, as follows:
Serica announces Strategic Review of its Indonesian Assets
09 November 2010
London, 9 November 2010 - Serica Energy (TSX & AIM: SQZ) announces that it is to carry out a review of strategic alternatives for its Indonesian assets.
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
20 October 2010
Dambus-1 Exploration Well, Kutai PSC, Indonesia
15 October 2010
London 15 October 2010 - Serica Energy plc (AIM & TSX-V: SQZ) provides an operations update regarding the Dambus prospect exploration well in the Kutai PSC offshroe Indonesia.
Share Purchase by Directors
15 October 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,007 shares on 13 October 2010, as follows:
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
27 September 2010
Share Purchase by Directors
15 September 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 2,349 shares on 13 September 2010, as follows:
Directors Dealings
10 September 2010
London 8 September 2010 - Serica Energy Plc (the Company) announces that on 6 September 2010, Neil Pike (Non-Executive Director) tranferred 260,000 shares in the Company to Luska Limited, an investment company owned by Mr Pike and members of his immediate family.
Share Purchases by Directors
20 August 2010
London, 20 August 2010 - Serica Energy plc ("Serica" or the "Company") announces that, on 20 August 2010, two directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 100,000 shares:
Share Purchase by Directors
16 August 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the company by a total of 1,674 shares on 13 August 2010.
Q2 2010 Report to Shareholders
04 August 2010
London, 4 August 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture & AIM: SQZ) today announces its financial results for the three and six months ending 30 June 2010. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at and
Share Purchase by Directors
15 July 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM; SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 1,728 shares on 13 July 2010, as follows:
Share Purchase by Directors
16 June 2010
Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 1,512 shares on 14 June 2010, as follows:
Annual General Meeting
03 June 2010
Serica Energy plc (Serica or the Company) announces that the 2010 Annual General Meeting of shareholders ('AGM') will be held on Friday 25 June 2010 at 10am (British Summer Time) at The Registry, Royal Mint Court, London , EC3N 4QN, United Kingdom. Copies of the AGM Notice, Management Information Circular and the 2009 Report and Accounts have been dispatched to shareholders and posted on the Company's website
Q1 2010 Report to Shareholders
28 May 2010
London, 28 May 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture & AIM: SQZ) today announces its financial results for the three months ending 31 March 2010. The results and associated Management Discussion and Analysis are included below and copies are available at and
Share Purchase by Directors
20 May 2010
London, 20 May 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture:SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Trustees of the Serica Energy Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 1,179 shares on 13 May 2010, as follows:
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
28 April 2010
Share Purchase by Directors
20 April 2010
London, 19 April 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the trustees of the Serica Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan") have made purchases of Serica shares under the terms of the Plan on behalf of employees and officers of the Company as a result of which certain directors increased their beneficial shareholdings in the Company by a total of 9,675 shares on 16 April 2010, as follows:
Allotment of Shares
19 April 2010
London, 16 April 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that 22,000 new Ordinary Shares of $0.10 each have been issued as a result of the exercise of share options held by employees. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for these shares to be admitted for trading. Admission to AIM is expected on Tuesday 20th April 2010.
Allotment of Shares
07 April 2010
London, 6 April 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that 30,000 new Ordinary Shares of $0.10 each have been issued as a result of the exercise of share options held by employees. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for these shares to be admitted for trading. Admission to AIM is expected on Wednesday 7th April 2010.
Share Purchase by Director
26 March 2010
London, 26 March 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Company was informed on 25 March 2010 that Ian Vann (Non Executive Director) has bought 44,673 ordinary shares in the company at an average price of 87 pence per share taking his total beneficial shareholding to 133,935 shares representing 0.08% of the voting rights;
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
04 March 2010
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
04 March 2010
Appointment of Broker
01 March 2010
London, 1 March 2010 - As a result of the acquisition by J.P. Morgan of the shares in J.P. Morgan Cazenove Limited it did not already own, J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. (which conducts its UK investment banking business as J.P. Morgan Cazenove) has been appointed as Broker to the Company with immediate effect, replacing J.P. Morgan Cazenove Limited.
TR-1 Notification of Major Interest in Shares
29 January 2010
Share Purchase by Directors
15 January 2010
London, 15 January 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that the Company was informed on 14 January 2010 that a number of directors had increased their beneficial shareholding in the Company by a total of 60,654 shares on 13 January 2010, as follows:
Award of Share Options to Executive Directors
12 January 2010
London, 12 January 2010 - Serica Energy plc (TSX Venture: SQZ; AIM: SQZ) announces that on Monday 11 January 2009, the following share option awards were made under the Company's Share Option Plan 2005 as amended.