Triton Area

Triton Area
The Triton Area consists of eight producing oil fields developed via common infrastructure in the UK Central North Sea, located approximately 190km east of Aberdeen in water depths of 90m. The fields currently producing oil and gas via the Triton Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO) vessel are Evelyn, Bittern, Guillemot West and Guillemot Northwest, Gannet E, Clapham, Pict and Saxon. Dana Petroleum Limited ("Dana") and Waldorf Production UK Limited (''Waldorf'') are our partners in the Triton cluster. Dana currently operate the Triton FPSO along with the Bittern, Guillemot West / North West, Clapham, Saxon, and Pict fields. Serica is operator of the Gannet E and Evelyn fields, with Dana as pipeline operator and Petrofac as well operator. Serica also operates the Belinda field.
Triton FPSO
Serica 46%, Dana Petroleum (operator) 52% and Waldorf 2%.
The Triton FPSO is the infrastructure and export hub for the Triton Area Fields. The vessel was a new-build double hull tanker fabricated in 1997. The Triton FPSO was installed in 2000 as a part of the combined development of the Bittern field, Guillemot West field and Guillemot Northwest field known as the "Triton Project".
Since it was developed, Dana (the operator) has carried out a number of initiatives focussed on integrity and reliability which has significantly improved the performance of the Triton FPSO. The successful execution of these maintenance activities ensures the Triton FPSO is able to accommodate future infill and tie-back opportunities. The operator is undertaking a life extension work program with the objective of ensuring operations up to and beyond 2030.

Triton Fields Overview
Bittern Field
Serica 64.63%, Dana Petroleum (operator) 32.95% and Waldorf 2.42%
The Bittern oil and gas field is located in Blocks 29/1a and 29/1b, 22km south-east of the Triton FPSO. The field was discovered in 1996 and has been developed through five production wells and two water injection wells via a subsea tie-back to the Triton FPSO. First production was in April 2000.
A number of well interventions and a sidetrack of B2 well have been executed between 2019 and 2022. The B6 well (formerly B1z sidetrack) on the Bittern field has been tied into the Triton FPSO. Promising data were collected during drilling and initial flow rates are pending.

Gannet E Field
Serica (operator) 100%
The Gannet E Field, discovered in 1982 is situated in Block 21/30c, 2.5km west of the Triton FPSO. The field was developed via three production wells and initially tied-back to the Gannet Alpha platform, with first production in 1998.
In 2011, the pipeline to Gannet Alpha suffered a leak which led to the field being shut-in for 7 years. In 2018, Gannet E was redeveloped through replacing the installed subsea facilities with a new tieback to the Triton FPSO, with a new pipeline, gaslift line and umbilical. All three existing production wells were successfully re-instated and production from the field was achieved on schedule in Q4 2018.
A second Gannet E flowline was brought into production in September 2022. A fourth Gannet E well was drilled in 2022 and brought on stream in February 2023 with initial oil rates exceeding 10,000boe/d. The fifth Gannet E on the Gannet field was successfully drilled and completed during the second half of 2024. The well flowed 9,000 boe/d with a 0% water cut on test, and has been brought onto stable production at a rate of over 6,000 boe/d in January 2025, above pre drill expectations.

Guillemot West & North West Fields
Serica 10% and Dana Petroleum (operator) 90%
The Guillemot West (GW) and North West (GNW) Fields were discovered in 1983 and 1985 respectively and are located approximately 10km NW of the Triton FPSO. The fields were developed in conjunction with the Bittern Field as a part of a combined development with production commencing from all three fields in April 2000.
GW was developed with 6 horizontal wells and GNW with 5 horizontal wells. A new well (W7Z) was successfully drilled during the second half of 2024. The well is expected to enter production in February 2025.

Evelyn Field
Serica (operator) 100%
Evelyn is an oil and gas field producing via the Triton FPSO. Evelyn is located in licence P.1792 in block 21/30f of the UK Central North Sea and was originally discovered in 1984. The Evelyn Field Development Plan was submitted in 2020 with regulatory approval to develop the field being granted by North Sea Transition Authority in early 2021.
The EV-01z horizontal development well was drilled in 2021 and tied back to Triton via a subsea production line and umbilical services line in summer 2022. Production from Evelyn commenced in September 2022. The COSL Innovator rig has now commenced drilling operations on the potentially high-impact EV02 well, with first production expected in Q2 2025.

Belinda Field
Serica (operator) 100%
The Belinda field is located in Block 21/30f approximately 6km south east of the Triton FPSO. Belinda was discovered in 1990 and appraised in 2016. Belinda is being developed as a single well tieback to the Triton FPSO. Drilling is scheduled to begin in April 2025 and the well is forecast to enter production in early Q1 2026, following the installation of subsea infrastructure.

Kyle Redevelopment (P2616)
Serica (Operator) 100%
The Kyle Redevelopment, located in Block 29/2c, is a previously producing oilfield, 20km southeast of Triton, shut-in due to the decommissioning of the Banff FPSO host facility, in 2020. It presents a potential redevelopment opportunity with a single horizontal well tied-back to Triton via Bittern, similar to other Triton tie-backs. The licence, P2616, was awarded in the 33rd licence round and Serica has no decommissioning liabilities arising from the previous field development. Technical work is in progress.