Managing Energy Responsibly

Read our latest ESG Report


Our ESG Strategy and Targets

Our ESG Strategy provides overarching guidance on how we perform our business in a socially and environmentally responsible way, setting challenging targets, being transparent in our measuring and reporting and adopting ESG best practices. As we grow our business and work towards net zero, it ensures that we act with integrity and respect for colleagues and the communities and environments in which we operate.

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Measuring our Performance and Transparency

We track our ESG performance data in line with globally recognised reporting frameworks and externally verify our emissions data. You can access the facts through our ESG Report, Databook and Reporting Frameworks.

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Scope 1 CO2 Emissions by Source

Read our latest ESG Report

This year’s ESG report is called ‘Working Together’ as we believe that the challenges of Climate Change and Energy Transition can’t be tackled alone. It needs a joined-up approach between companies, governments, supply change and communities. We take our responsibilities very seriously and believe passionately in reporting with transparency, aligning to globally recognised frameworks and partnering with like-minded organisations.

ESG: reports, data and frameworks








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